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Joy Dettling Ignite Life Igniting the spark of life within

The Power of Pause and Reflection: Finding Clarity in Life

October 17, 20232 min read

- A short update from Joy

Sometimes the universe gives us clear directives on where we need to be and what we need to be doing. 

At the beginning of this summer I was asking the universe to give me a sign; I was feeling aimless and kind of "buggy." I had the itch to travel which is the way I unconsciously try to find the answer for "what's next!?" 

I made a few travel plans for the summer and guess what?

The universe gave me a clear sign to stay put after my mother broke her arm. 

The clear message was "let go of 'next' and be here now."

the power of pause and reflection

The Power of Pause and Surrender

With one worker down at our homestead, there was no way I could travel in good spirits, so I surrendered to the garden and showed up where immediate and practical assistance was needed. I realized the true power of the "pause" in this moment.

The Grace of Letting Go

I also gave myself the grace to put my Ignite Life work down for the summer and and in truth, I needed the break. I recognize now that my biggest breakthroughs tend to come when I give myself the opportunity to completely "pause."

Joy Dettling, Ignite Life, Ignite the spark within

The Benefits of Reflecting on Life

These past couple of months are "reflecting" to me the power of the pause. When we listen carefully to the universe and honor breaks when we need them, it can be truly amazing what life brings to us as we allow ourselves to come into greater alignment during these periods of rest.

Finding Clarity and Inspiration

The power of this "pause" is revealing itself to me daily; I now have so much inspiration, motivation, and faith in relation to my work and am getting lots of confirmation from the fruits it is bearing.

Upcoming Developments

I am finding clarity about new approaches to serve others. I am still refining and hope to announce more in the coming months. I can give a hint: I am working on new approaches for using the using the ZYTO EVOX technology as well as developing my own form of intuitive energy work, all of which began during this crucial "pause" in my life.

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Joy has been on a lifelong search for optimal health, well being and personal growth. With endless curiosity and a passion for understanding herself and the world around her, she has explored, researched and tried countless methods and tools on her journey of personal discovery.

Joy Dettling

Joy has been on a lifelong search for optimal health, well being and personal growth. With endless curiosity and a passion for understanding herself and the world around her, she has explored, researched and tried countless methods and tools on her journey of personal discovery.

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