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What is Active Mirroring?

Active mirroring is Joy's unique approach to intuitive energy work. During a session, clients can relax in a comfortable position (usually lying down) while Joy works with them either in person or remotely. She uses her senses and perceptions to reflect back their energy through words, sounds, touch, and overall presence. This reflection allows the participants to gain insight into themselves and make necessary adjustments on both conscious and subconscious levels. As the session progresses, physical sensations, emotions, and past memories may surface for the client. However, Joy creates a safe and comforting space for these experiences to be processed together with ease.

What is the Intention?

Active Mirroring is designed to tap into your inherent self-healing abilities and facilitate their activation and acceleration. According to Joy, the power to heal lies within each of us, but there are times when we need guidance to overcome obstacles that hinder our progress. She creates a supportive environment for you to fully let go and allow your body to reorganize itself towards healing, releasing any suppressed emotions or stress patterns from the past.

Why does it work?

Joy's clients often come to her feeling trapped and unable to break through the barriers holding them back in life. Despite their efforts, they remain stuck and stagnant. But Joy has discovered that this stagnation is often caused by deeply-rooted subconscious stress patterns. With Active Mirroring, these patterns can be identified and released, paving a clear path for progress and growth. As these patterns are acknowledged and let go, new perspectives emerge, new methods of operating reveal themselves, and opportunities for healing and transformation arise. Instead of being trapped in a cycle of struggle, Joy's clients are now empowered to move forward with renewed clarity and purpose.

What if I do not live close enough to travel to Joy?

Joy offers her sessions both in-person and remotely, allowing her to work with clients from anywhere in the world. For those working with her remotely, she will call you at the start of the session while you are able to relax in the comfort of your own home. She has found that both types of sessions are equally effective.

How long is each session?

75-90 minutes.

How often should I do Active Mirroring?

Each person's experience with this is completely unique. Some may feel a strong impact after just one session, while others may benefit from weekly support for a period of time before reducing their sessions. Joy's goal is not to create dependence, but rather to facilitate true healing so that participants can eventually walk their path on their own or with occasional guidance.

What is the pricing?

Joy makes it a point to only schedule one Active Mirroring session per day, ensuring she can fully give her energy in each session. Her abilities are the result of years of cultivating energy, and she dedicates time outside of sessions for preparation. This is Joy's gift to the world, and she accepts gifts in the form of monetary contributions in return. She encourages participants to give an amount that feels right to them. For those who prefer guidelines, the typical market price for this type of work is $150-200, but Joy offers a sliding scale for her sessions. No one will be turned away due to their contribution amount, and payment can be discussed after the session.

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