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Ignite Body Freedom


May 02, 20234 min read

A Tool for Accelerated Growth and Healing 

No matter what mental, emotional, or physical state you're in, showing up for Ignite Body Freedom offers significant benefits.

What is it?
Ignite Body Freedom is a weekly event I facilitate that provides a therapeutic space for un-choreographed, free-form exploration through movement. With a wide range of expressive music and no rules, this is an opportunity to experience uninhibited body freedom while in the presence of others in a judgment-free zone.

free-form dance exploration

This practice has changed my life. 
I have been on a long journey of developing an understanding of my physical, emotional and mental health as these aspects of my life have given me many challenges. 

Over the years I have come across and implemented many tools, techniques, information and ideologies that have assisted me, however I don't think there is any tool that has assisted me quite as much as this practice... and for those who have witnessed me closely, know that that is a bold claim. 

These past few years I can look back and recognize that I have been on an accelerated path of healing and personal growth. I can attribute this pace to the fact that on a weekly basis I am shaking off whatever is slowing me down at Ignite Body Freedom.

It is a tool for many contexts.
What I have found is that it doesn't matter what state I am in mentally, emotionally, physically... I show up and I get exactly what I need. 

Whenever I come into this event feeling stuck, slow, confused or yucky, somehow that all gets magically reorganized and I leave with brilliance, clarity and power. I don't know exactly how this works, but somehow everything that I no longer need shakes out of my body and falls right through the floor.

By facilitating Ignite Body Freedom, it has led me to show up for this practice on a weekly basis for a year and a half now. It means, I go when I am feeling great and I also go when I am not feeling so great. I go when my body feels limber and strong, and I also go when I am fatigued or riddled with pain. No matter what state I am in when I go, I come out with significant benefits.

It's an "anti-tool"
Oftentimes, when we are on a path of growth or healing we get our heads too involved in the process. We create a story of our past and our pain and we try to figure out what is wrong with us and what we need to improve. We get obsessed with methods and tools and "doing it right." We often measure how closely we can follow a prescribed path as to how successful we are.    

The power of this experience is that we get to turn our brain off, forget about methods and measurements and let our body do what it needs to do.  

Our body has its own intelligence of a unique geometry and physics that it desires in order to process, heal, and advance. In this experience, our bodies get to flow through space and shapes just as it needs to, naturally and unconsciously.  

This is a tool that allows us to let go of the self-help frameworks of needing something outside of ourselves to be better. Through the simplicity of free body movement, we realize that we don't need anything else.

girl listening to music relaxed

Practice at home
While I find there is greater power in having the container of doing this in a group, this is also something that can be explored at home alone. Start with the question,

"What would it be like if I let my body move however it wants to?" 

Then put some music on and see what happens. 

For some this experience feels foreign and awkward. For others this immediately connects them with younger years and comes naturally as it fills unmet urges. 

Like many things, this is a practice that evolves with time. Yet another opportunity to take baby steps, be curious and give yourself grace.

Joy facilitates Ignite Body Freedom every Sunday and Tuesday morning in Brighton, MI. You can find more information here and send inquiries to  

If you are unable to attend an event with Joy in Brighton, MI, you can find a directory of similar events worldwide listed on

Ignite Body FreedomAccelerated growthHealing through movementLetting go of self-help frameworksUninhibited body freedom
Joy has been on a lifelong search for optimal health, well being and personal growth. With endless curiosity and a passion for understanding herself and the world around her, she has explored, researched and tried countless methods and tools on her journey of personal discovery.

Joy Dettling

Joy has been on a lifelong search for optimal health, well being and personal growth. With endless curiosity and a passion for understanding herself and the world around her, she has explored, researched and tried countless methods and tools on her journey of personal discovery.

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