We meet every



This is un-choreographed and a free-form exploration some would call "dance"; however, while some of us are dancing in the room, others might be flailing, skipping, stretching, sleeping, laughing, crying, humming, etc. We have created a safe space so that expression comes easily and judgment fades away.

Many have described this experience as transformative as they leave feeling like a new person; relaxed, refreshed and balanced taking that new sense of freedom out into the world!

We have just a few requests to keep the experience safe and welcoming for everyone: No talking, no phones, no substances, and no judgment.

All ages, all abilities, ALL welcome!!

Email Notifications

Please email joy@ignitelife.net to receive email notifications regarding this event


Sundays:  11am- 12:30pm

Tuesdays:  9:30am-11:00am

**Please arrive a few minutes early**

Our playlist is 75 minutes and we begin and end the experience with a brief circle gathering to center ourselves and share about our experiences.


Michelle's Academy of Dance

101 Appian Way, Suite 102

Brighton, Mi 48116

PAYMENT: This is a donation-based event and our suggested donation is $8-25 (cash preferred).

Common Questions

 I want to come, but I am extremely self conscious! What should I do?

It is actually reported by most people who come for their first time that they have felt nervous at the beginning of the event.  In fact our founding facilitator, Joy Dettling struggled with social anxiety for most of her life and credits this experience for being a huge component of her cure for that.  So if you are anxious about it, you actually have the most to gain from this experience. 

Just come and be open and know that there is no pressure to do anything.  You can sit down as much as you need or even simply walk around the room.  What most report is that in little time they realize that no one is watching them or really cares about what anyone else is doing and in fact there are several other people doing absurd and crazy things in the room (and don’t even care!)  In this kind of environment people report that their self-consciousness and anxiety melts away quickly as they are able to give into the experience, let go and enjoy themselves.  Many claim that this has helped with their anxiety, self-confidence and willingness to jump into new experiences fearlessly!

Can I bring my children?

YES! We have had children as young as two days old join us in the room!  We love children and children tend to love this experince.  Children can bring items with them, however we ask that nothing is left in the center of the floor and nothing is thrown.  Also do the best that you can to explain to your children that there is no talking during the event, however they can vocalize!  If they have trouble with this, do not fret, we find that children learn quickly in this environment.  If you are still unsure if this is the right environment for your child, some parents attend alone first and then bring their child along next time.

Learn More

What if I am elderly?

Please come!  We have had people as old as 84 join us and hope to continue to increase our age range.  We have several regulars who are seniors and love this event so you will not feel like the odd one out!

What if I have a physical disability?

Please come!  Our room is handicap accessible.  We have several chairs in the room and also several soft tumbling mats that are laid at the sides of the room.  If you ever need a break, there is also a lobby where you can sit.  Please bring anything additional you need with you and let us know any way that we can assist you.  We have had participants who have needed to sit or lie down for most of the experience and they have felt welcome and enjoyed themselves immensely.

Can I bring my ________ with me?

You can bring anything you need to into the room with you whether that be props, blankets, water, etc.  We ask that street shoes, food and phones be left in the lobby.  As far as props go, please also note that we ask that nothing is thrown in the event space or left in the middle of the floor.

What if I need to wear shoes?

Most of our participants dance barefoot or with socks.  Not only is this because most enjoy the feeling, but also it keeps our space clean.  If you need the extra support of a shoe, please bring a pair that is dedicated to the indoors.  If you are coming for the first time and don’t have a pair of shoes like this, please clean the bottoms of your shoes thoroughly and if you start to attend regularly, then you may consider a pair of indoor shoes dedicated to these events.  

What if I cannot afford it?

We ask for a donation on a sliding scale of $8-25.  Please pay an amount that feels amazing for your body, mind and heart no matter where that lies on the scale.  We do have expenses to cover for running these events and also want to compensate for the care and energy given by our facilitators.  However, we also want to make this event possible for all to attend, so If $8 feels like too much at this time, please send us a message and we may have opportunities for an energy exchange.

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